02 January 2014

illogiCon 2014 Panel Schedule

This is still a bit preliminary, but my [illogiCon panel/event schedule] is as follows:

3pm- LGBT Inclusion in Fandom
6pm - Breaking into Burlesque
9pm - Smutty Fanfiction
10pm - Open Filk

10am - Romanticized Mars vs. Real Mars
Noon - Make-up for Costumers (I'll be doing a clown grease demo)
1pm - Ethics in SF
9pm - Nerd-Vana Variety Show
After - Open Filk

10am - "Hard" vs. "Soft" SF
Noon - Women in Fan Culture
3pm - Running Table Top Games
6pm - Geek Arts and Crafts (hands-on!)

And don't forget to bring singles for the [Nerd-Vana] show on Saturday! 18 and up only and we'll have to card at the door. I'll be doing two songs and a little bird told me there would be a sexy Kirk...

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